Hospital Playlist: A work of art with life lessons
I have been meaning to write this for the longest time now. What was holding me back was the nagging feeling of having to say goodbye to the feel-good vibes that this show has brought along with it. I somehow manage to show courage while hearing ‘Butterfly’ in the beautiful voice of Mido.
Slice of life as a genre, friendship, healthcare, humanity, music, pursuing hobbies and loads of food are a few of the many reasons I am in LOVE with this series.
I am fond of all shows that depict the lives of doctors. More the merrier was what I thought when I started.
The attention to detail in this show is mind-blowing. The number of episodes each season had, the props, the parallels between the seasons, Product placements, the food fighter food shows…
I could keep going but let us keep the spoilers away.
The music soothes the soul even if you have not seen the show. You just need a good sense of rhythm. The actors really practised hard to perform the songs by themselves and, some even had to unlearn and relearn to play their part really well. Need motivation? Falling hopelessly in love? Starting something afresh? They have a track for it all.
What were my takeaways?
- Things eventually fall into place when they are supposed to. Not a second before or later.
- Bad things can happen to good people too.
- Being nice does not harm anyone.
- Always be thankful and practise the attitude of gratitude.
- Things can change at any time.
- Do what you are meant to do the best way possible.
- Some friendships are like wine. They get better with time.
- Food tastes great when shared.
- Always look out for your loved ones. Some might not communicate the same as others.
- Change is the only constant in life.
- Keep the child in you alive and guard it fiercely.
The pandemic truly tested us all and Hospital playlist brought me peace when my body and soul were amidst great chaos. This is totally not from a fangirl perspective but a keen observer who could learn a lot from the two seasons of this mind-blowing show.